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In this ever changing world of property tax legislation, property owners and managers need the kind of dedication and professionalism we can offer. With our knowledge of property tax laws and appeal procedures, together with certain client information, we can assure our clients that we are seeking the results that they desire.


Fellers, Schewe, Scott & Roberts, Inc. can be of substantial benefit to your organization and its ultimate profitability. Since property taxes are a major expense, any savings in this area will increase the net income and overall value of your property. More importantly, a tax savings allows the cash to remain in your account.


At Fellers, Schewe, Scott & Roberts, Inc., we realize that the reputation of a tax agent is built on service, and the way to become distinguished from our competitors is simply to provide better service. Give us the opportunity to represent your property and we will show you what our commitment to quality service can mean to you.

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We analyze your tax assessment and determine our opinion of what your property's taxable value is compared to the market as well as other approaches to valuation.


We track & audit your property tax bill to make certain you are paying exactly what is owed in a timely manner.


We prepare tax estimates and provide analysis on any potential property acquisitions.


We handle the property tax appeal process from start to finish including submitting your protest, making your case, and representing you in the appeal hearing.


We provide you with detailed annual reports on your properties including valuation trends and taxes bill progress.


Our rates are affordable in relation to our competitors within the industry.

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